Sorry I have been gone so long. We did go on vacation and renovated the house. That led to fumes, dust and allergies; which resulted in “colds”, congestion and unwellness all around. Life happens when you have other plans.
But this morning I awoke with a Blog unfolding in my head and so here I am.
We started the Meditation Series on Remembering Purpose last night and I awoke this morning with the whole “Purpose” idea rolling around in my head.
Often, in my readings, clients ask me about their “purpose”. When they do, they are looking for a mission and a reason; something to “do” or “become”. As I have worked with various modalities and listened to each soul’s answer to this question over the years, I have come to realize that purpose is so much more than what our small mind looks for it to be.
Perhaps purpose is simply the recognition that what I am presently doing is not fulfilling and joy producing and so… the question arises, why am I here? To do this? No, it can’t be. Why am I here?
And with that, the hunt for “purpose” begins. Perhaps the hunt for Purpose is simply the recognition of the need to change.
Last night we spoke to purpose as being much smaller. In fact, what is most interesting to me from last night is the idea that purpose is automatic! By example, we spoke last night about the purpose driven physical body. We all know that there is no spoken order we give to our heart muscle to beat, to our lungs to breathe, or to our blood to move throughout the body. It is automatic. But what is most interesting is that, that automatic operation was described last night as the physical body’s “purpose”. This has stayed in my mind and caused me to wonder and contemplate on the whole definition of purpose for me.
I now see that purpose can be small in other ways, as well. I now see purpose being less about “achieving” something and more about “being” someone. What I mean is that, for me it is not about being a teacher, or being in service. Although we use the word being in those phrases, we are still looking to achieve. But that is still doing. For me, defining purpose comes back to presence.
Living with Purpose for me is about being fully in whatever I am doing. And so, yesterday in my garden, doing its spring clean up; my purpose was to my garden, to the tending of it. A small purpose, but a purpose nevertheless. And it had the quality of “automatic” to it, because to have a garden means that there is “tending” to it always to be done – hence “automatic”.
And then, when I am taking Mom to the show and shopping, she is my purpose. Again there is an automatic ness to it, for as our parents age they require help. It is not a question of “if” but “when” – hence automatic.
What I am getting at is that purpose, for me, is cumulative. Each action that I participate in, is adding to my purpose. So, I guess I am trying to say that purpose is not “being someone or something” which has a title and a duty or job description, but being “with” everyone and everything. Each action that I am completely present in, adds together to create my life and in that living of my life is my purpose.
How this intertwines with “what we are to do or become” seems simple to me. I am seeking to feel happy in my life; to feel fulfilled in my life. When I am doing things that do not bring those feelings – like cleaning the floor - I feel like this can not possibly be why I am here?!? And so, my small mind takes this and then goes hunting for why am I here, what am I to be doing. My suggestion is that it is not a thing but a presence. There are choices to be made, for sure. But, for me purpose is not one thing, not one created mission. It is in actuality, the ability to make those choices that lead to joy and not boredom.
I find as I work with understanding the properties of ego more and more, I am understand the difference between ego creations and being in my life. It has reduced my ambitious drive greatly, but it has also enhanced my joy greatly. I find it easier to be fulfilled and joyful from the smallest of participation. It leads me to wonder now about creating and the whole “secret” thing; wonder about “creating my own reality” idea; for perhaps creating is not about the cars, watches, houses and business BUT a life to be lived joyfully and with a sense of fulfillment each day.
A contented sigh at the end of the day that says, “this has been a good day” and that sigh has nothing to do with having achieved or created, but more with having participated.
Perhaps “living in purpose” is more about exercising conscious, carefully made decisions or choices about what to do and when to do it, so as to create a contented sigh at the end of each day. And here we become intertwined with the search for purpose – “what am I to do?” can be changed to “what brings me joy?” For me it is not cleaning the floor and so, I leave that for someone who finds joy in cleaning a floor. But then for that person is cleaning the floor their “purpose”? Well, yes if it is fulfilling and joyous for them. And yes, I have met those people! But the ego cannot allow “cleaning a floor” to be their mission and purpose in life – it just can’t be! But I believe that it can. I have met so many people doing jobs that I could never enjoy and they do them so, so joyfully that I recognize their joy and am touched by it.
That is the joy that for me creates the contented sigh at the end of my day which is the sign of a day lived on Purpose, in Purpose and with Purpose and that has no report card, no tangible creations. For me, Purpose is Joy! Purpose is Participation! Purpose is being here to live and share in that living!
My view of my life today is measured by the sighs that gently escape me as I participate in my life. My view of my life today is about its joys and sadness, as long as I have been in them completely! My view from here, once again is changed.
April 15, 2010
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- Donna Somerville
- Hi, my name is Donna Somerville and I am a full time spiritual medium and facilitator. What do I facilitate? You! You and your developing awareness of what You love, what fulfills You and how You sabotage Your Self. I do this, and have been learning how to do this since 1988. How do I do this? By having conversations, out loud, with Your Inner Self and recording those conversations so that You can “listen” in. I am a listener. Although people like to call them readings and channeling, I call it “listening”. I believe that my purpose is to, quite literally, become useless to You. My work is to “listen”, and then to show You how to do it for Your Self. I love my life! All of it.The ups and the downs. I feel it is a great privilege and adventure to be alive now, at this time and I want to experience life to the fullest. I am all about experience!
Love it. Now if I could just live it.
ReplyDeleteDonna, I so enjoyed this blog. Serendipity is such a wonderful thing. Just last evening I sat in a chair for over an hour trying to decide how I would discover what me purpose would be for the next stage of my life. My kids are grown and away at school now. My volunteer work has decreased significantly, where it used to occupy almost 10 hours a week. So I find myself with lots of empty hours now and wondering how I can fill them up. What's next, what will bring me passion and joy in the years ahead.... or at least until the grandchildren LOL. So when I opened my email this morning and saw this blog notice I thanked my angels for once again sending along a gentle reminder.
ReplyDeleteDonna said beautifully. Beauti full y(I) it is the reminder to always be present. Every moment. It's the simple things in which we overlook. The touch of a hot cup of tea in our hands...the feel, smell and taste. Savor in everything. To exsist is more than just breathing, it's experiencing everything this I believe is our purpose.RD
ReplyDeleteThank you for the Remembering Your Purpose Meditation last evening. And as per your blog I went home and had that "sigh" and wrote in my gratitude book that I was so happy and grateful for "an all-round great day." I also woke up this morning and had to write.
ReplyDeleteLove and wishes for a magical day.
I really like this Donna and it makes a lot of sense to me! Thank you for this.
ReplyDeletePenny Boyd