Quick note: I recently had my hard drive crash and my back up, did not back up everything. I am choosing to see it as a “spring cleaning” of my computer and am reconstructing
July 14, 2010
Reiki as the Divine Feminine
Was having a truly joyous time at our book club on Monday evening, discussing the Hawkins book"Power versus Force". Not to mislead, Hawkins is not a funny book. It just seems that we are able, in this book club, to laugh at things in the most curious way. I have come to love these women because of the lightness we seem to bring out in each other. I have truly come to understand, through this book club experience, how interaction truly leads me to see My Self, laugh at My Self and see My Self with such honesty. My gosh, for me, it is truly ONLY with other people that I can see My Self and know the dynamics of my beliefs in action! I am amazed.
But to my story, as we were discussing a wonderful experience one of my friends had had at a Grandmother Speaks Ceremony, I suddenly got a flash understanding. As our world is changing – for the better I might add – there is a re balancing going on. It is often said, and I believe, that there is too much “male” or “yang” energy in our world. This has nothing to do with male and female gender for each human have male and female energy within them. Very briefly, the male energy is the intellect, aggression and competitive part of our being; the female energy is the emotional, creative and cooperative aspect of our being. In balance, we are powerful!
Well, my flash of understanding came about the feminine. I have been a big believer in the Reiki forces – a healing modality brought to the earth in the mid 1800s by Dr. Usui. It is quite well known, so no surprise I am a big supporter of it. BUT – my support has always felt different from how I see others refer to it. In fact, I see Reiki and Reiki training not as a means to “becoming” a practitioner but as a means to further each participant’s journey. I feel that Reiki brings “courage” to the body; courage to heal itself, courage to choose; courage to know the Self. That was just naturally how I saw Reiki. My Reiki Master did not “teach” this, it was just how I always experienced Reiki.
Now don’t get me wrong, I feel Reiki practitioners are important but I do not feel that everyone who takes Reiki is meant to be a practitioner. I have often wondered why there are so many practitioners. Well, in this flash of understanding I – understood!
The Reiki energy, as I see it, is a soft, undulating, rhythmic energy. I always start any treatment with it, even Rebirthing, because I find it softness the client, helps relax and open them. Why? Well, here it is – I suddenly realized that the Reiki energy is the feminine and we need it so much to help balance the male. I see Reiki as Ying and it is working to balance the Yang – not just in the “world” but in each individual as well!!
I know, simple, and maybe obvious to others but a revelation to me this day! I have always said that if money were no object, I believe everyone could have a Reiki or energy body treatment each month. In fact, in this day of almost monthly energy shifts, I believe that body work is a “requirement” for maintenance of our balance and good health! It was a feeling I was speaking from and never really understood why it just felt sooo important to me. Well now I do!
Now, I understand. As our world comes into balance Ying to Yang – we each need to individually, come into balance as well.
But to my story, as we were discussing a wonderful experience one of my friends had had at a Grandmother Speaks Ceremony, I suddenly got a flash understanding. As our world is changing – for the better I might add – there is a re balancing going on. It is often said, and I believe, that there is too much “male” or “yang” energy in our world. This has nothing to do with male and female gender for each human have male and female energy within them. Very briefly, the male energy is the intellect, aggression and competitive part of our being; the female energy is the emotional, creative and cooperative aspect of our being. In balance, we are powerful!
Well, my flash of understanding came about the feminine. I have been a big believer in the Reiki forces – a healing modality brought to the earth in the mid 1800s by Dr. Usui. It is quite well known, so no surprise I am a big supporter of it. BUT – my support has always felt different from how I see others refer to it. In fact, I see Reiki and Reiki training not as a means to “becoming” a practitioner but as a means to further each participant’s journey. I feel that Reiki brings “courage” to the body; courage to heal itself, courage to choose; courage to know the Self. That was just naturally how I saw Reiki. My Reiki Master did not “teach” this, it was just how I always experienced Reiki.
Now don’t get me wrong, I feel Reiki practitioners are important but I do not feel that everyone who takes Reiki is meant to be a practitioner. I have often wondered why there are so many practitioners. Well, in this flash of understanding I – understood!
The Reiki energy, as I see it, is a soft, undulating, rhythmic energy. I always start any treatment with it, even Rebirthing, because I find it softness the client, helps relax and open them. Why? Well, here it is – I suddenly realized that the Reiki energy is the feminine and we need it so much to help balance the male. I see Reiki as Ying and it is working to balance the Yang – not just in the “world” but in each individual as well!!
I know, simple, and maybe obvious to others but a revelation to me this day! I have always said that if money were no object, I believe everyone could have a Reiki or energy body treatment each month. In fact, in this day of almost monthly energy shifts, I believe that body work is a “requirement” for maintenance of our balance and good health! It was a feeling I was speaking from and never really understood why it just felt sooo important to me. Well now I do!
Now, I understand. As our world comes into balance Ying to Yang – we each need to individually, come into balance as well.
July 2, 2010
The First
Went to "The Airbender" movie movie last night and found it interesting. What the movie left me with was a question – why is there always “only” one. I thought about the movie"The Matrix" in which Neo is the “only one” who can …. And now in Airbender, Aang is the “only one” who can … That then brings to mind Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed … the “only ones” who can …
As I pondered this idea what came to me was this. It is NOT “only one”, what it really is “THE FIRST” one who can. In our weekly book club, we are working with David Hawkin's book “Power versus Force” and he explains why. He suggests that there has to be one person who breaks through so that others can follow. This is most obvious in sports, the first man to break the 4 minute mile, the first ….. There are many in the sports world because there are so many records to be broken in the sports world. But the point is, to use his words, there has to be a positive attractor in order for others to consider that that action is now a possibility.
As I pondered these ideas, I smiled for again I can see how ego wants to make the impossible remain impossible, or at least elitist – meaning that ONLY ONE can ever do, be, succeed at this, that or the other thing. As always, I am seeing the ego isolate.
As I pondered this idea what came to me was this. It is NOT “only one”, what it really is “THE FIRST” one who can. In our weekly book club, we are working with David Hawkin's book “Power versus Force” and he explains why. He suggests that there has to be one person who breaks through so that others can follow. This is most obvious in sports, the first man to break the 4 minute mile, the first ….. There are many in the sports world because there are so many records to be broken in the sports world. But the point is, to use his words, there has to be a positive attractor in order for others to consider that that action is now a possibility.
As I pondered these ideas, I smiled for again I can see how ego wants to make the impossible remain impossible, or at least elitist – meaning that ONLY ONE can ever do, be, succeed at this, that or the other thing. As always, I am seeing the ego isolate.
July 1, 2010
Tuning In
I have reached the light at the end of the tunnel. Most interesting about finally coming to this point in my journey, is that I realized I reached the light at the end of the tunnel first, because I looked for it, and second, because I expected to.
As I have been writing about, infrequently so as not to dramatize it, I have been in this tunnel or cocoon of personal release and development and now finally am feeling My Self. Interestingly, I almost said “again” – My Self again – but I cannot say that. For the “My Self” that I am feeling now, is far different from who I was a mere three months ago. I cannot detail the differences, but it feels so different inside of me and inside of all that I participate in and do. But I digress.
What I wanted to write about today is this whole concept of “tuning in” and “tuning out”.
As I have been writing about, infrequently so as not to dramatize it, I have been in this tunnel or cocoon of personal release and development and now finally am feeling My Self. Interestingly, I almost said “again” – My Self again – but I cannot say that. For the “My Self” that I am feeling now, is far different from who I was a mere three months ago. I cannot detail the differences, but it feels so different inside of me and inside of all that I participate in and do. But I digress.
What I wanted to write about today is this whole concept of “tuning in” and “tuning out”.
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- Donna Somerville
- Hi, my name is Donna Somerville and I am a full time spiritual medium and facilitator. What do I facilitate? You! You and your developing awareness of what You love, what fulfills You and how You sabotage Your Self. I do this, and have been learning how to do this since 1988. How do I do this? By having conversations, out loud, with Your Inner Self and recording those conversations so that You can “listen” in. I am a listener. Although people like to call them readings and channeling, I call it “listening”. I believe that my purpose is to, quite literally, become useless to You. My work is to “listen”, and then to show You how to do it for Your Self. I love my life! All of it.The ups and the downs. I feel it is a great privilege and adventure to be alive now, at this time and I want to experience life to the fullest. I am all about experience!