So, my day started out like any other. I hit the snooze on the alarm once too often, and then finally left the confines of the soft and warm bed. Working for My Self, you might think, so no problem since you are your own boss. That is true, except that I do have appointments and clients arriving and expecting to see me at a certain time. But I digress; I do have a point to this story.
My morning progresses as I move through my normal routines and time is ticking by. You know the feeling. Not rushed exactly, but there is a distinct pressure. So, now is the time that I stop and “be” with all those lessons and ideas I have been studying now for years.
Well, I am just about on time and then I realized that I have not fed the birds. We have 12 bird feeders, so this is not a small task. All quite voluntary, but still time consuming.
I look upon my feeding the birds, as I do walking my dogs, as a service to them. As if they are truly other beings that I have an agreement with, and so am obliged to fulfill that agreement. I hope I have not lost you with just that statement, but this blog is about “how” I live all those teachings that we study and this is how I do it.
So, I look out at those dear little birds and I hear – ok, God Script? Or Ego Script (see my blog January 20, 2010). Well, God Script of course! So, I choose to take the time to feed the birds.
Now as to why I am writing about this. It was truly a small miracle. I chose the God Script, which to me means that “everything”, literally everything is of equal importance in my world; nothing is more important that anything else. It is one of the ways that I keep my ego from over reacting, if everything is important, and then everything is equal. May not sound “doable” but it is. Truly, try it. When I do, I am amazed.
So, I am feeding the birds, and I mean I am feeding all of them. NO shortcuts, taking the time it takes. Birdbath included. Then I come back in; go downstairs to start my work day. I check the time and Voila – I am not late. In fact, I am now five minutes early. I am filled with wonder as to how, but it is the truth! I remember hearing Wayne Dyer speak about being late and he said something to the effect of, you need to not hurry. You just stay very present, do all you have to do and “expect” it all to work out. Now, I have experienced that before as well but in the past, how it all worked out was that my client just “happened” to be late as well and so I was not.
But this time, it was totally different. I gave the birds my undivided attention, totally present and … I was not late. It was as if time “stretched” and everything worked out. I did not hurry, I swear! And I was not late.
So, why am I writing about this? Because it happened and it can happen again; I feel like I am really starting to get what I have been studying all these years. There truly is a God Script and when I chose not to judge, hurry or beat My Self up about my morning, I stayed present and did what I needed doing – time stretched and I had all the time I needed.
My counsel today. Try it for Your Self! Imagine the possibility that “time” can stretch, that there is a Creator/Source that can do that for You, and more importantly, WILL do that for You if you ask. Course in Miracles says that if you choose the let the Holy Spirit – which for me is Creator/Source – direct your life, directed it will be.
I am all about the miracles. I look for them in each of my days; little miracles that show me I am more than the Me that looks back in the mirror.
That is the view from here, in my front yard, standing here among my full bird feeders!!
February 8, 2010
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About Me

- Donna Somerville
- Hi, my name is Donna Somerville and I am a full time spiritual medium and facilitator. What do I facilitate? You! You and your developing awareness of what You love, what fulfills You and how You sabotage Your Self. I do this, and have been learning how to do this since 1988. How do I do this? By having conversations, out loud, with Your Inner Self and recording those conversations so that You can “listen” in. I am a listener. Although people like to call them readings and channeling, I call it “listening”. I believe that my purpose is to, quite literally, become useless to You. My work is to “listen”, and then to show You how to do it for Your Self. I love my life! All of it.The ups and the downs. I feel it is a great privilege and adventure to be alive now, at this time and I want to experience life to the fullest. I am all about experience!
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